Books by the Iberian Wildlife guides
Teresa Farino and Mike Lockwood
Oxford University Press, 2003
ISBN 0-19-850435-7
A site-by-site guide describing the best places to observe Spain's
incredibly diverse wildlife. Read more…
Buy this book from Amazon.co.uk
Teresa Farino
Sunflower Books, 2017 (7th edition)
ISBN 978-1-85691-499-4
Discover the spectacular scenery and superb wildlife of the Picos
de Europa, by car and on foot.
Read more…
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Sunflower Landscapes: Costa Brava and Barcelona
Michael Lockwood and Teresa Farino
Sunflower Books, 2011 (3rd edition)
ISBN 978-1-85691-406-2
Buy this book from Amazon.co.uk
Flora & Fauna of the Picos de Europa Over the past 30 years, Teresa Farino has compiled a report (more than 100 A4 pages) that includes lists of all the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers & crickets, spiders and vascular plants ever recorded the Picos de Europa, plus an eight-page introduction to the natural history of these mountains. If you would like to purchase a PDF copy, the price is 12 € (or the sterling equivalent). Please contact Teresa for further details or to place your order.
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