Birds and birdwatching in La Mancha and Castilla y Leon
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus major
© John Muddeman
La Mancha húmeda ('humid La Mancha'), and the páramos and gorges north and east
of Madrid in the Provinces of Segovia, Soria and Guadalajara are important
areas in central Spain for birds as well as butterflies, dragonflies and wildflowers. The former, a series of large shallow lakes dotted across
the seemingly interminable dry plains and innumerable vineyards of Don Quixote
country, provides excellent habitats for a wealth of breeding and migrant wetland
species, and the latter for a range of dry country species, including being the
core area in the distribution of Dupont's Lark in Spain and very important for
its raptor and inland cliff-nesting bird communities.
Indeed, adding several sites which lie within an extra 1-2 hour's drive from Madrid,
many of the bird species more-or-less restricted to the Iberian Peninsula in Europe can be
reached. Of particular note, White-headed Duck, Lesser Kestrel, Purple Swamp-hen,
Great & Little Bustards, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse and Dupont's Lark are all present
Black Stork Ciconia nigra
© John Muddeman
in good number, with Black Wheatear very local, and further species of special note
include Black-necked Grebe, Greater Flamingo, Black-crowned Night, Squacco & Purple
Herons, Red-crested Pochard, Egyptian Vulture, Osprey, Collared Pratincole, Temminck's
Stint, Gull-billed & Whiskered Terns, Eurasian Bee-eater, European Roller, Calandra, Lesser
Short-toed, Short-toed & Thekla Larks, Eurasian Crag Martin, Black-eared Wheatear, Blue Rock
Thrush, Savi's, Great Reed, Spectacled, Subalpine, Sardinian, Western Orphean & Bonelli's
Warblers, Bearded Reedling, Short-toed Treecreeper, Eurasian Penduline Tit, Eurasian Golden
Oriole, Southern Grey & Woodchat Shrikes, Iberian Azure-winged Magpie, Red-billed Chough,
Spotless Starling and Spanish & Rock Sparrows.
The La Mancha area is notable in inland Spain for attracting migrants, from Black Stork,
European Honey-buzzard and Common Crane to a plethora of small passerines, and in particular
is famous for its wader passage, including large flocks of Dotterel, and as the lakes act
as magnets, has even attracted such rarities as Lesser Flamingo and Lesser Sand and Kittlitz's
Plovers! The gorges in Segovia and Soria are particularly noted for their breeding Eurasian
White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala
© John Muddeman
Griffon and Egyptian Vultures, Golden Eagles and Red-billed Choughs, with larks and
Stone-curlews on the surrounding dry páramo, and with a great deal of luck, wintering
Alpine Accentor and Wallcreeper in the gorges too.
These areas can also be combined with a visit to Extremadura, where there are
much better chances of Bonelli's Eagle, Black-shouldered Kite and White-rumped and Pallid
Swifts in addition to many of those species already mentioned, along with up to 70 000
Common Cranes in their main wintering area in western Europe.
Related information…
Birdwatching trips to La Mancha and Castilla y Leon
Madrid - Birds and Birdwatching
Read about John Muddeman
Wildlife holidays and tours in Spain and Portugal